Company of heroes 2 why is okw hq turret so weak compared to bofors?
Company of heroes 2 why is okw hq turret so weak compared to bofors?

  • Mechanized Regiment HQ produces completely useless Light Vehicles Such as Puma, which needs to replaced by a better Armored car to match the AEC 75lll,M5a1 Staurt Tank and the AAA Vehicle in terms of armor and damage dealt to Infantry.
  • OKW lacks of Front Line Early Assault units and Weapons that can keep up with other factions especially like the UKF units.
  • PS: I’m absolutely not asking to Buff any unit in this thread whatsoever.

    company of heroes 2 why is okw hq turret so weak compared to bofors? company of heroes 2 why is okw hq turret so weak compared to bofors?

    This is just a General Discussion About adjustments/fixes that can be done to OKW, and I’m sharing my own point of views where you might agree or disagree with the points I’m about to mention so let’s share ideas and opinions and see what we could come up with, also correct me if I’m wrong at any point.

    Company of heroes 2 why is okw hq turret so weak compared to bofors?